
Nigeria, one of Africa’s most liberalised broadcast markets, appears to be on course to meet its self-imposed target of June 17, 2012 as the change-over date to digital broadcasting transmission in the country.

Read more in our report on Digital Broadcast Migration in Nigeria


Nigerian Communications Commission

Communications regulator of Nigeria

Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Nigeria Research Report

Digital Broadcast Migration in West Africa: Nigeria Research Report - Update on the Implementation of Digital Transition in Nigeria. 


The website of the National Broadcasting Commission - The broadcast regulator for the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Watra one-day workshop on analogue to digital migration: Regional report

 In order to sensitize West African countries on the deadline for digitization and and accesslevels of preparedness, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and BalancingAct in collaboration with the Open Society Initiative sponsored a digital migration Workshopfor WATRA Members in A

First things first: Nigeria needs a regulatory framework to continue digital migration

As one of Africa’s most liberalised broadcasting and telecoms markets, Nigeria has been ahead of the game when it comes to digital broadcast migration, setting itself the bold self-imposed target of completing the migration by June 2012.

Report on a one-day workshop on Digital Broadcast Migration in Nigeria

The migration to Digital Broadcasting has been a subject of discussion especially in Africa. There are several issues which should be considered in digital broadcast migration.


Nigeria: UK, FG Plan Cut in Broadband Pricing

United Kingdom's telecom watchdog, Ofcom, has unveiled proposals that it claims could mean better value broadband services for those in rural areas.